University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture

University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture

Buleevar Revolucie 73/11




Phone: 381- 11 32 25 254

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The Faculty of Architecture, has 1500 full-time undergraduate, 500 part-time and 130 post-graduate students, 109 teaching and 41 members of the secretarial and other staff. The Faculty is on the second floor, of a building in which the Faculty of Electrical Engineering occupies the ground floor and the Faculty of Civil Engineering the first floor.The building is located in the very centre of the city. The total space used by the Faculty of Architecture is 6500 m2 . The building is home both to undergraduate and graduate studies. It provides studio work areas, a lecture theatre, seminar rooms, administration offices and staff rooms. The faculty has a well-equipped computer laboratory, a specialized library with media laboratory, a model-making workshop, as well as a photo and slide laboratory. All these facilities are within the same building, most of them on the same floor. The Faculty also owns the Exhibition Room and multi-purpose areas commonly used for various student exhibitions

  • See also:
  • Masterformat 1995
  • Europe